Public procurement
PSE22001-10055 - Public service contract for the comprehensive environmental assessment of public buildings in the West Bank
Country : Palestine
Closing date : 07 August 2024 13:00
Status : Close
Description :
- The different lots are:
- Lot 1: The implementation of a detailed energy audit for each concerned building (including equipment and building envelope), combining theoretical calculations and on-site tests and measurements, and formulating proposals of improvement of energy performance.
- Lot 2: The estimation of the carbon footprint of the different school buildings only, covering their current use and the historic emissions embedded in the construction materials for their production as well as a calculation of the raw material resources (aggregates, iron ore, stone) consumed for the construction of the schools.
- Lot 3: The implementation of a comprehensive water cycle audit of each building, including the freshwater consumption, pre-treatment, storage, grey and black waters post-treatment, measurement of degree of pollution at exit, potential current reuse and recycling, as well as the rainwater drainage and potential existing harvesting measures, and formulating proposals of improvement.
- Lot 4: A solid waste audit, including an analysis of current practices, measurement of quantities and types of waste, potential current sorting and recycling practices, and formulating proposals of improvement.
- Lot 5: For VTCs only: carrying out an assessment of the infrastructure and equipment needs of each VTC, studying the adequacy of the premises for training, the needs of upgrading, retrofitting and possibly extension (related to opening new green professions or mitigating crowdedness), replacement/maintenance of equipment or additional equipment to be provided.
- Lot 6: A climate change and environmental awareness assessment, using a Knowledge, Attitude and Practices survey, before and after the implementation of the audits and greening measures, and formulating proposals which may contribute to further reinforce awareness of users.
Attachments :