
Women teacher in Uganda explaining a student how to use a sewing machine.


GIN23006-10024 – Renforcement de la mobilisation sociale et la demande, l’accès des droits et la qualité des services de santé sexuelle et reproductive incluant la prise en charge des violences basées sur le genre

Country : Guinea

Closing date : 07 October 2024 12:00

BFA23004-10028 – Promotion et diffusion d’informations sur la sante et les droits sexuels et reproductifs

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 22 October 2024 12:00

UGA22003-10023 – Call for Proposals for Supporting vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses for enhanced resilience and economic integration” in Kampala Metropolitan sub region.

Country : Uganda

Closing date : 20 September 2024 17:00

BFA23004-10072 – Appel à Propositions :”Programme d’Insertion sur le Marché de l’Emploi (PIME)”

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 17 September 2024 12:00

UGA22003-10008 – Call for proposal for Skills developments for increased employability of vulnerable youth, refugees, women and girls in Kampala Metropolitan area

Country : Uganda

Closing date : 05 September 2024 17:00

BEL22001-10057 – AàP : Comment la recherche sur la participation inclusive contribue-t-elle au développement d’une société plus solidaire? PHASE 1

Country : Benin

Closing date : 16 August 2024 13:00

BEL22001-10057 – CfP: How does research on inclusive participation contribute to the development of a more united society? ROUND 1

Country : Benin

Closing date : 16 August 2024 13:00

UGA22003-10004 – Supporting vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses for enhanced resilience and economic integration in West Nile region

Country : Uganda

Closing date : 05 August 2024 05:00

UGA22005-10041 – Supporting vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses for enhanced resilience and economic integration in Albertine and Rwenzori regions

Country : Uganda

Closing date : 05 August 2024 05:00

UGA22007-10050 – Supporting vulnerable youth to develop sustainable micro- and small businesses for enhanced resilience and economic integration in Busoga region

Country : Uganda

Closing date : 05 August 2024 05:00

TZA22003-10062 – Call for Proposals Under the Intervention – Young people especially young women, are empowered to thrive in a protective and gender-equal environment, to acquire education and skills, and to pursue decent work opportunities in Kigoma Region.

Country : Tanzania

Closing date : 05 August 2024 12:00

JOR23001-10011 – UPDATE-Q&A-CFP- Supporting vulnerable youth, Syrian refugees, and women to create new micro businesses or to develop their existing businesses”

Country : Jordan

Closing date : 24 July 2024 14:00

JOR23001-10010 – UPDATE – Q&A-CFP- Equipping Youth, Syrian refugees, and women in Jordan with demand-driven skills to access inclusive and decent employment opportunities

Country : Jordan

Closing date : 31 July 2024 14:00

BEL23004-10001 – Window 2 – Innovative Solutions for Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 15 July 2024 13:00

PSE22002-10020 – Q&A-Call for proposals for Awareness in schools on Gender based Violence/Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and protection.

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 23 May 2024 15:00

BEL22006-10001 – Data-driven Digital Social Innovations in Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 21 May 2024 13:00

BEL22010-10024 – Call for Proposals for business support organisations to develop tools and/or trajectories to support and guide businesses in terms of sustainability and respect for human rights

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 06 May 2024 12:30

COD22012-10060 – Accompagnement de trois (3) partenaires de mise en œuvre des appuis non financiers à la mise en place de cent (100) Groupements Mixtes d’Epargne et de Crédit (GMEC) au Kasaï-Oriental (République Démocratique du Congo) avec l’approche finance inclusive

Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 22 February 2024 16:00

COD22012-10060 – Accompagnement de trois (3) partenaires de mise en œuvre des appuis non financiers à la mise en place de cent (100) Groupements Mixtes d’Epargne et de Crédit (GMEC) au Kasaï-Oriental (République Démocratique du Congo) avec l’approche finance inclusive

Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 22 February 2024 16:00

BEL22009-10001 – Digital social innovation as a vehicle for accelerating inclusive and sustainable development

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 05 January 2024 13:00

BEL22010-10022 – Support for national ethical, sustainable, fair trade or organic farming days or weeks organised in Africa

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 15 November 2023 18:00

BEL22010-10023 – Trade for Development Centre” targeting MSMEs with a social purpose or producer’s organizations for the implementation of a strategy and/or an action plan to become more sustainable and more respectful of decent income and decent work 

Country : Belgium

Closing date : 27 November 2023 12:30


Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 30 October 2023 23:59

BFA22002-10018 – Formation et Insertion Socio-professionnelle (Un Jeune, un métier)

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 06 October 2023 12:00

BFA22002-10017 – Appui à la promotion des entreprises dans le domaine de l’économie verte dans la région du Centre-Nord

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 06 October 2023 12:00

PSE22002-10021 – update-Q&A- CFP- Caring for Caregivers Supporting the psychological health and well-being of youth caregivers

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 28 August 2023 12:00

GIN1900711-10031 – Mise en œuvre d’actions dans le champ « sensibilisation et égalité genre » pour contribuer aux changements de comportements des populations en matière de salubrité publique dans les communes du nord

Country : Guinea

Closing date : 01 August 2023 16:00

PSE22003_10019 – Update- Q&A- CFP- Supporting women to develop sustainable micro- or small businesses that enable them to generate income and enhance their economic independence.

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 20 July 2023 15:00

PSE21002-10012 – Call for proposal under Youth Economic Empowerment in Palestine (YEP) as part of the EU-funded Youth Empowerment Program (WBL)

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 14 June 2023 15:00


Country : DR Congo

Closing date : 23 May 2023 16:00

SEN21004-10021 – Autonomisation des femmes par le renforcement technique et financier de leurs groupements et renforcement des comités de gestion de l’eau dans les régions de Fatick, Kaolack et Kaffrine

Country : Senegal

Closing date : 26 April 2023 12:00

PSE21002-10017 – CFP-Support Multisectoral Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and Gender-based Violence (GBV) response Services in Palestine

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 08 May 2023 16:00

PSE22002-10015 – CFP- Improving the Availability and Accessibility of Youth and their Caregivers to Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services in West Bank

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 02 May 2023 16:00

RWA21002-10042 – RWA21002-10042_CfP For ‘Business Development Services for women and youth in Karongi, Rutsiro and Nyamasheke Districts in Rwanda”

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 24 April 2023 14:00

PSE22002-10014 – Q&A- CFP – Awareness and Advocacy towards Palestinian Duty Bearers on Youth Human Rights

Country : Palestine

PSE22002-10014 – CFP – Awareness and Advocacy towards Palestinian Duty Bearers on Youth Human Rights

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 26 March 2023 16:00

PSE22002-10012 – Q&A -Awareness on Gender-based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and support to coordination among GBV/SRHR service Providers

Country : Palestine

Q&A Mental Health Community-based Awareness Campaign – Mental Health Community-based Awareness Campaign

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 29 January 2023 00:00

PSE22002-10012 – Awareness on Gender-based Violence (GBV), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and support to coordination among GBV/SRHR service Providers

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 16 February 2023 12:00

BFA21001-10001 – Intégration de la résilience climatique dans les plans locaux de développement de 13 communes au sein des bassins du Nakambé et du Niger au Burkina Faso

Country : Burkina Faso

Closing date : 23 January 2023 12:00

NER21005-10041 – Autonomisation des femmes par le renforcement de leurs groupements,l’accès aux financements et les AGR climato sensibles dans les régions deDosso et Tahoua

Country : Niger

Closing date : 27 January 2023 12:00

PSE22001-10007 – Support for Vulnerable Children as Part of the Education and Learning (QEL), Empowered Youth in a Green Palestine 

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 21 November 2022 12:00

MLI170521T – Liste des subsides octroyés en 2019 dans le cadre du PAECSIS

Country : Mali

Closing date : 30 December 2025 00:00

10001-4 / 10002-4 / 10001-4 / 10001 – Publication of information on recipients of funds

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 30 December 2022 00:00

10005/6/7/13 and 10013/16/18 – Ex‐post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 31 July 2023 00:00

PZA170421T – Ex‐post publication of information on Contractors and Grant Beneficiaries

Country : Palestine

RWA1900611/CfP/001 (RWA19006-10007) – Piloting AN Out-grower Service MODEL

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 31 December 2021 15:00

RWA19009-10034 – Reinforce youth centers including Family Planning, Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health and with management for detection, prevention and care for drugs and substances abuse

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 30 December 2021 16:00

RWA19009-10033 – Training of Community Health Workers and Health Facilities staff (including secondary health post) in inventory management of Family Planning and under-5 products, and organize mentorship to institutionalize the monitoring and management of stock for Fami

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 30 December 2022 00:00

PSE22001-10003 – Call for Proposals: Support to quality extracurricular activities

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 01 November 2022 12:00

PSE22001-10004 – Support to quality extra curricular STEAM activities

Country : Palestine

Closing date : 01 November 2022 12:00

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