Education, training & employment

Education is key to economic and personal development.

What we do

Improving the access to and the quality of education

Together with our partners, we invest in improving the quality of primary and secondary education through teacher training, curriculum reform, the introduction of teaching innovations – like digitisation – and the promotion of student-centred teaching and learning methods.

We work on increasing access to education and more specifically on improving school attendance of girls by addressing access barriers and supporting the creation of a safe, inclusive and healthy learning environment. In addition, we assist with the rehabilitation and construction of schools with a particular focus on climate-smart schools.

Strengthening the education and training system

All our actions aim at structural improvements of the education and training system. We do so by strengthening education and training instances, so they are enabled to better design policies, as well as to plan, manage and monitor education and training. This is always done in collaboration with partner ministries and local stakeholders.

Typical activities in this area include: supporting policy development, including adherence to the principles of decent work, strengthening monitoring and evaluation systems, introducing results-based planning and budgeting and improving the financial management of the sector.

Skilling for Decent Jobs

We support skills development as a key strategy to address (youth) unemployment. We aim at improving the match between skills requested by the labour market and the skills training offered by education and training providers. This approach generates a skilled labour force that is better equipped to find a decent job or to become an entrepreneur. It contributes to individual well-being, as well as to the economic development of a country and involves the private sector in the development process.


We also focus on developing and promoting tools, methods and approaches for inclusion of specific vulnerable groups , for whom the labour market is hard to access.

News & Events

men at crossroads in Rwanda Resources

09 October 2024

Belgium-Rwanda bilateral cooperation – Programme report 2019-2024

The 2019-2024 Belgium-Rwanda Cooperation programme contributed to the advancement of Rwanda’s sustainable development goals, enhanced socio-economic well-being, and fostered inclusive growth.

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national teachers' college in kaliro, Uganda Resources

08 October 2024

Promoting the widespread use of ecological and resilient infrastructures

In the face of climate and environmental challenges, Enabel is in favour of the widespread application of green building principles in cooperation programmes.

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awa prize winners News

27 September 2024

The winners of the 2024 Awa Prize are known

The second edition of the Awa Prize ran from 12 June to 17 September 2024, with the cultural and creative industries as its central theme.

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16 July 2024

The European Union needs to stay engaged in fragile contexts

The European Union has a special responsibility for its neighbouring continents and should play a leading role in international cooperation.

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kid jumping on a stage News

08 June 2024

Investing in the future: 2023 – 2024 Activity report

Find out why we have to upcycle international cooperation. Why Enabel is not only a Belgian, but also a European and African agency. Find out about the starting of activities in a new country: Ukraine. About the launch of activities in the green hydrogen sector.

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green bubbles News

07 June 2024

Shaping tomorrow’s energy landscape

The urgency of climate change is forcing us to rethink our economies. As the energy transition emerges as central in the fight against climate change, one energy vector stands out in particular: green hydrogen.

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young girls from Niger playing basketball

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