
The Government of Mozambique and Belgium have been working together in the fight against poverty since 2001, when several provinces were affected by flooding. Many efforts are made to improve access to resources, infrastructure and services, in particular in the most vulnerable rural areas.

Disaster risk management

Mozambique is vulnerable to climate risks. That’s why it’s essential to invest in disaster risk management. We contribute to improving the anticipation, prevention and preparedness to climate risks by supporting the National Institute for Disaster Risk Management and other related institutions.

Strengthening capacities at central, provincial and district level to improve policy making, planning, monitoring and supervision in disaster risk management and climate resilience is key to our strategy. Apart from working on a government agencies level, we also look into ways to support communities directly to become more resilient to climate risks.

We do this by reinforcing adaptive and risk anticipation strategies, by improving strategic spatial planning and budgeting, and by disseminating people-centred early warning systems.

Risk management of climate emergencies in Mozambique.

Renewable energy for productive use

With our work, we want to help increase energy access in rural areas through investments in solar mini-grids, solar powered irrigation systems and biomass fuels.

Contributing to sustainable economic and social development by promoting use of environmentally friendly energy sources is equally important.

To achieve this, we support governmental actors, such as the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the National Energy Fund, the Energy Regulatory Authority and the National Institute of Irrigation, civil society, and private actors.

workers of the small hydro power plant in Sembezeia Mozambique pose for a picture inside the plant.

Waste management and circular economy

Our actions address the current practice of disposing of urban solid waste in uncontrolled and poorly managed dumpsites with little to no treatment or recovery of recyclable and reusable materials.

We aim to do this by supporting integrated waste treatment infrastructure at municipal level. At the same time, we support local actors, involve the private sector and promote the valorisation of waste materials.

Women walking through a village in Mozambique.

Contact the Enabel team in Mozambique

Avenida Kenneth Kaunda 762
T + 258 21 48 34 53 |
Resident Representative: Sandra Galbusera

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