Global challenges

Human mobility


In a world where human development opportunities differ strongly, mobility is an important option for many people to improve their living conditions. If managed well, migration is a catalyst for inclusive economic and social development, both for migrants and for communities and countries of residence and origin.

Our approach

Promote and improve the governance of human mobility for development at national, regional and local level

Enabel’s assistance to partner countries comes in the form of a wide range of actions, including support to the development of national strategies and their implementation at national and local levels, including policies to engage diaspora in the development of their country of residence and their country of origin through knowledge transfer, remittances, cultural exchanges and entrepreneurial projects contributing to building a feeling of global citizenship.

We assist our partners in their response to labour market needs and shortages, ensuring training in local communities and facilitating regional and international mobility whilst being gender and inclusion sensitive.

Improving protection, respect for fundamental rights and resilience of migrants and host communities

We pay particular attention to the protection of basic human rights and recognise that migrants are often at increased risk of human rights violations.

We are committed to support access to education and vocational training, health, economic insertion, including employment and (self)entrepreneurship, and all basic services and rights (including legal identity), for migrants and the local communities where they settle.

Mainstreaming human mobility in official policies and development programmes

Enabel mainstreams human mobility in its development programmes to maximise the positive effects and minimise the costs of migration on development.

The agency is committed to supporting its partner countries so that their policies cover the potential impacts of migration and human mobility.

More on human mobility

The world is facing huge challenges in realising the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Enabel wants to contribute with its experience and expertise in five specific domains: Peace and Security, Climate Change and the Environment, Social and Economic Inequality, Urbanisation, and Human Mobility. In our search for adapted solutions we take into account the inevitable ongoing population explosion and we strongly believe in empowering women and youths.

This brochure describes how we address human mobility in our projects.

Download the brochure
A person who migrated to Morocco goes to the reception of the Moroccan labour organisation.

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two women talking during a training

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