What we do
Sustainable and resilient food systems
It is essential to strengthen the resilience of food systems so that they have a greater capacity to withstand the shocks and stresses associated with climatic, health and socio-economic disturbances. To achieve this, Enabel supports stakeholders in implementing agro-ecological transition strategies, to design and promote innovative and pragmatic production systems that optimise interactions between plants, animals, people and the environment.
In consultation with local and national authorities, we also use territorial approaches to ensure that agriculture is better integrated into natural ecosystems and coexists harmoniously with other land uses.
Finally, our action also aims to make agrifood chains more sustainable by reducing food loss and waste, promoting the use of renewable energies, and supporting the transition to more local and regional food systems.
Inclusive agri-food chains that create decent jobs
Our ambition is to promote the creation of decent jobs in the agrifood chains, particularly for the smallholders, young people and rural women, as well as displaced, often marginalised, people.
To promote fairer trade relations between the various players in the supply chain, we are strengthening producer organisations and the various links in the chain.
We also support entrepreneurship and the professionalisation of players by facilitating their access to quality technical and financial services. Finally, we are improving labour markets governance by promoting social protection schemes and decent work standards, while supporting the inclusion of informal workers.
Healthy and safe food for everyone
To eradicate hunger and malnutrition in all its forms, we are taking action on several fronts. We work to create healthier food environments by promoting consumer access to nutritious food and supporting local initiatives.
At the same time, we are strengthening food safety by supporting rigorous certification systems and promoting good hygiene practices. Finally, we are raising public awareness of the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet.
An institutional framework that is conducive to sustainable transition
Enabel is working to change the rules of the policy and institutional game to make our food systems more sustainable. To achieve this, we are building the capacity of stakeholders at national and local level to adopt policy and regulatory frameworks that support the transition to sustainable food systems.
As a firm believer in the power of partnerships, we support multistakeholder coordination mechanisms and the establishment of technical working groups that support advocacy efforts and influence the adoption of sustainable public policies. Finally, we attach particular importance to the role of innovation and science in policy dialogue: through action research conducted by innovative players in Belgium and in our partner countries, we feed into strategies and evidence-based policy-making.