AU-EU D4D Hub launches new knowledge sharing platform “D4D Access”

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The African Union – European Union (AU-EU) Digital for Development (D4D) Hub project – of which Enabel is an implementing partner – has launched a new online platform aimed at facilitating exchanges of experiences and knowledge between African and European digital actors.

Called “D4D Access”, the platform covers a wide range of topics, from e-governance to digital entrepreneurship, and contains many useful resources to support digital stakeholders in Africa and Europe – including public institutions, donors, academia, companies, and civil society organisations – to advance an inclusive and sustainable digital transformation.

d4d access users

The platform is open to all African and European organisations to share their knowledge resources on D4D, allowing them to reach new audiences, increase their visibility, host their content, and showcase their expertise. All contributions are welcome and encouraged if they align with the purpose of the platform and are relevant, insightful, and freely accessible to its target users.

D4D Access is available at:

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