PSE22005-10009 - Service procurement contract for Media Services for Gaza interventions -Framework Contract
Country : Palestine
Closing date : 12 January 2023 13:00
Status : Close
Description :
Enabel in Palestine is aiming to sign a framework contract with a media production and media services company in Gaza to provide all needed documentation and coverage of its activities and programmes in Gaza. The framework contract will cover providing a variety of services and products including photography, video production, video editing, producing animations, full event documentation, and producing photos stories, etc.
Enabel now invites sealed tenders from eligible and qualified tenderers to provide the media services as per the conditions and requirement in the attached tender specifications document and considering the following:
- Tendering will be conducted through Negotiated Procedure without Prior Publication (Belgian Public Procurement Law).
- This tender is VAT excluded under certain conditions, defined in the tender documents.
- Tenders shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing. No bid bond is required.
- Until 3rd of January 2023 inclusive, candidate-tenderers may ask questions about these Tender Specifications and the procurement contract through the channels identified in the tender documents.
- Tenders must be delivered to the address mentioned below before the 12th of January 2023 at 1:00 PM. Late tenders will be rejected. Tenders will be opened behind closed doors.
Address: Enabel Office, 4th floor, Al Rayes Plaza Building, Vector Hugo Street, Gaza City
Attachments :