Enabel and CBL-ACP sign partnership agreement


Brussels, 16 September 2021 | The Belgian development agency Enabel and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture Belgium-Luxembourg-Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (CBL-ACP) signed an agreement to strengthen their collaboration.


Under this agreement, Enabel and CBL-ACP will regularly share information and meet at least twice a year to discuss how to concretely promote the development of a dynamic, resilient and sustainable private sector in the priority countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation, in particular through balanced and mutually beneficial business partnerships between Belgian and African enterprises.

Each party will endeavour, depending on possibilities and competences, to create added value by assisting the other in the organisation of and participation in activities such as workshops, symposia, seminars, business-to-business meetings and conferences in the areas concerned.

Jean Van Wetter, Managing director of Enabel, is enthusiastic about the agreement: “The expertise and experience of CBL-ACP will help us to achieve our mission of promoting a favourable business environment and encouraging entrepreneurship in the partner countries in Africa.”

Guy Bultynck, president of CBL-ACP, adds, “Thanks to our presence in Africa through our Permanent Representatives and our extensive network of expertise, agreements, collaboration and partnerships with Chambers of Commerce and entrepreneurs that support local SMEs, where possible, CBL-ACP will provide its support and concrete assistance to Enabel projects in support of the private sector.”

Enabel and CBL-ACP are also committed to encouraging efficient information sharing and collaboration with official and private European and Belgian organisations such as BIO, regional export and investment promotion agencies, Finexpo, bilateral Chambers of Commerce, the Flemish employers federation VOKA, the Belgian employers federation VBO, universities and institutions of higher learning, the King Baudouin Foundation, CEMA, etc.

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