
01 juin 2023

Brussels Urban Summit 2023

Urban answers to global challenges

Brussels Urban Summit 2023 Bis

On 13 June 2023, Enabel and its partners VVSG, Brulocalis and Echos Communication are pleased to invite you to the workshop ‘Engaging citizens within cities in transition which will take place from 4-6pm, as part of the Brussels Urban Summit.

Event Type
The Square
13 juin 2023

The workshop will showcase projects from Rwanda and Palestine that foster bottom-up approaches, reinforcing integrated design for sustainable and socially conscious urban transitions. It also aims to provide diverse perspectives from institutions, researchers, and practitioners actively involved in participatory urban design and development in the Global South.

The closing remarks will be given by Belgian minister for Development Cooperation and Major Cities, Caroline Gennez.

Following the workshop, a warm and engaging networking drink will be hosted at the Musee des Beaux Arts, courtesy of Brussels Capital. Moreover, a remarkable cultural event, open to registered participants only, will conclude the Summit on June 15th at Flagey.

We are looking forward to meet you at this stimulating workshop to contribute to the exciting future of urban development.




  • Jean Van Wetter,  Managing Director of Enabel
  • Karlien Gorissen, VVSG
  • Aberrahim Zyiane, Youth forum Belfaa, Brulocalis
  • Alexandre Delvaux, Territorial Coaching in Morocco by Echos communication and UCLG
  • Shadi Saleh & Oday Aljabari (Enabel Palestine)
  • Andrew Rucyahana, Vice Mayor of Musanze (Rwanda) & Matias Piani (Enabel Rwanda)
  • Caroline Gennez, Ministry of Cooperation and Development and Major Cities



The Brussels Urban Summit (BUS) is an initiative of Brussels Capital Region, Eurocities, Metropolis and the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth Initiative.

It brings together three international city conferences: the 14th Metropolis World Congress, the Eurocities Annual Conference and the sixth OECD Champion Mayors Summit for Inclusive Growth Initiative. It gathers over 300 cities worldwide and more than 1000 politicians, experts and representatives of civil society to exchange ideas and set the priorities for sustainable, affordable, and liveable cities going forward.

The workshop will be held at the Square, in Brussels.

The conference will be held in English.


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