Are you up for the adventure? Apply now for the Junior Programme

Job alert for young European talents

Since 2 November, 14 new vacancies in various sectors are open to young talents of European nationality.


Young European experts will have the opportunity to work in a project of Enabel agency itself, or to work in a non-governmental organisation such as Broederlijk Delen, Kiyo or Îles de Paix.

Job alert : 14 new job offers for young experts of European nationality will be available online from 2 to 15 November 2022. The job offers available are to join a project in Burundi, Guinea, Morocco, Mozambique, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda.


Give meaning to your talents!



The Junior Programme in a nutshell

The Junior Programme gives you the opportunity to contribute professionally to a development project for a maximum of 2 years. By working in development projects managed by Enabel or by one of our 28 partner NGOs, you as Junior Expert will develop new competences and will demonstrate the impact of your commitment as a global citizen.


Are you eligible?

You are under 31 years old and would like to work in one of the partner countries of the Belgian governmental cooperation?

Until 15 November (midnight, Brussels time), anyone who fully meets the eligibility requirements can apply via the Junior Programme’s online platform. Job offers are published in the language of the country (English or French)! 


Next recruitment cycles

⚠️ Young experts residing in the partner countries and young experts with technical and vocational education backgrounds will have to wait until 2023 to explore available opportunities.


More updates and resources


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