
RWA22001-10002 - The native fruit and pharmacopeia products value chain’s opportunities analysis for Community Biodiversity Sancta (CBS)

Country : Rwanda

Closing date : 30 November 2023 16:00

Status : Close

Applicable legislation : BELGIAN

Description :

Questions will be in writing to Françoise MUSHIMIYIMANA, (francoise.mushimiyimana@enabel.be ),
with copy to
Jacques PEETERS (jacques.peeters@enabel.be)
Gaston HATEGEKIMANA, (gaston.hategekimana@enabel.be )
They will be answered in the order received. The complete overview of questions asked will be available at the address mentioned above at the latest 10 days before the deadline for submission of bids.

Attachments :


Blijf op de hoogte

Blijf op de hoogte van onze activiteiten en internationale ontwikkelingstrends belicht vanuit Belgisch perspectief.

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